Student success is directly tied to attendance. In the event of an absence, parents are requested to call the school before 9:30 a.m. the day of the child's absence. If this is not possible, a note should be brought to the secretary or teacher from a parent or guardian stating the date(s) and reason(s) for the absence.
In the event of tardiness, students must report to the office for a late slip. Repeated tardiness is considered a disruptive behavior and will be treated as a discipline problem.
Students must remain on school property during school hours. If a legal guardian would like to take a child before the end of the school day, for lunch or other reasons, he/she must come inside and officially sign the student out. If an adult comes to pick up a child other than his/her own child, written consent is mandatory. Under no circumstances can anyone other than the legal guardian pick up a child without the above mentioned written consent.