Parent Participation Organization
Parent Participation Organization
What is a PPO?
A PPO, or Parent Participation Organization, includes all the parents and guardians of students who attend a school. A PPO brings parents’ concerns to the attention of the school administration, raises funds to buy equipment that the school may not be able to and organizes fun activities to enrich the school.
It is important that parents individually identify how they want to be involved and what skills and expertise they would like to offer. The amount and the type of involvement are up to each parent.
We have monthly PPO meetings and various committee meetings. All our meetings are open to all parents, guardians and staff. Whether you coordinate a major event or bring one idea to a PPO meeting, your involvement will make a difference.
Riverside PPO Mission Statement
The Riverside PPO is dedicated to the education and well-being of the whole child by building a strong foundation of knowledge and life-long learning skills, through effective communication with home and the school community. Our mission is for parents, students and staff to work together and develop a sense of pride in our school community.
You decide how much time you want to be involved, if it’s once or twice a month or once a year your help is welcomed.
For questions or to volunteer at any given time, call us via (418) 548-3181, ext. 2000.
Because: “Together, We Can Accomplish More”