School fees
School fees
In August or after you have completed your application process, you will receive a detailed list of school fees per child.
School fees consist of the costs for school supplies, workbooks, photocopies and student school activities.
The costs of school supplies slightly differ per grade, depending on the materials and activities.
Your child will receive his/her school material only if the payment for resale items is made in full. You will receive an invitation to come to school to pickup your child's workbooks and/or pay your invoice before school starts.
Supervision fees
- $360 per child
Lunch time supervision fees are invoiced monthly by the school Childcare Service depending on the number of school days on the calendar each month. Parents must consult their invoice directly on Mozaik Portal Parents.
Extracurricular activity fees
Throughout the year, extracurricular activities, such as noon hour activities, outings, swimming or skating may require an additional fee. These extra activities are optional and free options are always available. Details are communicated throughout the school year.
Please note that your child will not be allowed to register in noon hour activities unless his/her school fees have been paid completeley or prior arrangments have been made with the office.