Student complementary services
Student complementary services
Next to qualified education, at Riverside Regional Elementary School we offer complementary services to our students.
* Resource teacher: For individual and small group instruction, an individual education plan (IEP) and support for special needs students.
* Behaviour Technician: For individual counselling, prevention and intervention for groups or individuals.
* Special Education Technician: To support students with special needs.
* Psychologist: To evaluate academic and behavioural needs and is a liaison with the school board professional services.
* Student Supervisors: To monitor safety and security of students during non-teaching time, such as lunch and recess.
* Dental Hygienist: Prevention and dental education for elementary students.
* Documentation Technician (librarian): Library collection, management and ordering and to promote positive reading habits and book related activities.
* School Nurse: To prevent and educate students on health matters (CIUSS)