Rugby Content
The Rugby Profile is a physically and mentally demanding profile that brings out character. The student in this profile will learn the rules of the sport. They will be pushed physically and mentally to be ready to have fun playing the sport safely. The students in rugby profile will enjoy a great team dynamic, an ideal practice environment, top of the line equipment and of course great coaches.
The sport is on the rise for ladies in the province of Quebec and St. Pat’s has been a contributing factor with players like Patricia Nolin (former Laval player), Anne-Charlotte Beaulieu (former Laval player and now coach) and Magalie Harvey (Team Canada and World Rugby Player of the Year 2018).
With the Stade Chauveau open all year long, the Rugby Profile is offered on an annual basis. From on-field practice during the season to physical and tactical preparation during the off-season, the students can benefit from personalized meetings and follow-ups from the coaches.
*** When Rugby Profile is held at the Stade Chauveau, students need to have their own transportation to be on site at 7:45 AM to start at 8 AM. The transportation back to school after the profile class is offered by St. Pat’s.***