Complaint Policy for Parents and Students
Complaint Policy for Parents and Students
This policy establishes procedures for parents and students to use when requesting the revision of a decision rendered by an employee of the School Board or the Council of Commissioners.
Complaints concerning an employee of the School Board do not fall under this policy and must be addressed to the school principal or centre director.
Governing Board meetings are public meetings. Students and/or parents may address concerns during those meetings. Personal concerns or complaints to the Governing Board will automatically be referred to the appropriate person.
Steps to follow:
Step #1 : The student or his/her parents must discuss the decision with the author in order to exhaust all possibilities for agreement, either through a meeting, a telephone conversation or written correspondence (i.e., with the classroom teacher, school principal, centre director, etc.). The author of the decision will inform the student or his/her parents without delay of the revised decision, if any.
Step #2: If the student or his/her parents are not satisfied with the results in Step #1 , they must then submit their concerns to the school principal or centre director who will study the concerns and will render a decision without delay. The school principal or centre director will meet with the student and/or his/her parents and with the author of the decision in order to reach a conclusion that is satisfactory to all parties involved.
Step #3: If the student or his/her parents are not satisfied with the results of the discussions outlined in Steps #1 and #2, they must then submit their concerns to the
Director General in writinq by_following the Complaint Process on the CQSB website.
The Director General, or his delegate, will contact the school principal or centre director, the student and/or his/her parents in order to obtain any information he deems necessary. He will render a decision without delay. The student or his/her parents will be informed of the decision.
Revision of a decision by the Council of Commissioners:
If a student or his/her parents are not satisfied with the results of the discussions outlined above, the Education Act stipulates that they may request the Council of Commissioners to reconsider such decision.
A written request for the review of the decision must be submitted to the Secretary General. The Secretary General will inform the parents and students of how the request will be treated. Unsigned complaints will not be treated.
Review of a decision by the Student Ombudsman:
At any time during the complaint process, but preferably once the above procedures have been completed, a student and/or his/her parents may lodge a complaint with the Student Ombudsman by email at
The complete text of this policy may be found on the School Board's web site or a copy may be obtained by contacting the Secretary General.