Écoles et programmes - Bannière

New Liverpool Elementary School

New Liverpool Elementary School

1575, chemin du Sault
Lévis (Québec)
G6W 2M2


Telephone: 418 652-2106
Fax: 418 652-2379





To provide students with an education that will allow them to fully develop academically, socially and emotionally.



  • I am respectful
  • I am responsible
  • I am safe
  • I am engaged



With its dedicated and caring staff, New Liverpool Elementary School offers the following:

  • Small group instructions
  • 4-year-old kindergarten
  • Technology in the classroom
  • RSEQ Basketball team
  • Educational Outings


Support Services

  • Resource Team: professional, resource teachers, special education and behaviour technicians
  • School daycare
  • Partnership with Community Services


Extracurricular Activities

  • Basketball Team
  • Sports clubs
  • Educational Field Trips
  • Robotics Club
  • Noon hour activities
  • Leadership Activities


Annual Events

  • CQSB Cross Country Run
  • Pentathlon des Neiges
  • Terry Fox Run
  • Opération Enfant Soleil – Porte ton pyjama
  • Sports events
  • Assemblies
  • Picnic
  • Book Fair


Participation of Parents

  • Governing Board
  • Parent Participation Organization (PPO)
  • Volunteers at outings and in class

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