Policies - CQSB
Policies - bannière
Secretary General - Policies
Secretary General
- Three-year Plan 2020-2023 and Deeds of Establishment 2020-2021
- Policy Concerning Smoking
- Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Commissioners
- Rules of Order and Procedure for Meetings of the Council of Commissioners
- Records Management and Retention Policy
- Policy on Introducing Students to Democracy
- Linguistic Policy
- Policy on Video-Surveillance
- Modification or Revocation of a Deed of Establishment
- Policy Concerning Fees Charged to Parents and Adult Students
Document Management Centre - Policies
Document Management Centre
Financial Services - Policies
Human Resources Department - Policies
Human Resources Department
- Policy for CQSB Employees Offering "Private Services" to CQSB Students
- Policy Governing the Use of External Services in Our Establishments
- Policy - Teachers' Professional Development
- Workplace Wellness Policy
- Employee Recognition Policy
- Recruitment, Selection and Hiring Policy
- Prevention and Management of Conflicts and Harassment Policy
- Background Check Policy
- Evaluation of the Performance of the Director General
Buildings and Equipment - Policies
Buildings and Equipment
Purchasing Department - Policies
Purchasing Department
Information Technology - Policies
Information Technology
Transportation - Policies
School Transportation Services
This policy applies to those students for whom the Central Québec School Board organizes transportation. For more information on our school transportation policy, please consult the following document:
**Students for which transportation is provided by the local "centre de services scolaire" are subject to the parameters of their local transportation policy.
We all have a role to play in keeping our students safe when the ride the school bus. See below for safety rules and tips:
Educational Services - Policies and Procedures
Educational Services
- Criteria for the admission and enrolment of students and the application of school boundaries 2025-2026
- Evaluation of Learning
- Procedures Concerning Requests for a Derogation to the Age of Admission to Preschool and Primary Education
- Homeschooling - Management Framework
- Student Expulsion Policy
- Policy on the Distribution of Medication in Schools
- Policy for the Organization of Educational Services for At-Risk Students and Students with Handicaps, Social Maladjustments or Learning Disabilities
- Policy on a Drug & Alcohol Free Environment in our Schools and Centres
- Policy on Healthy Eating and Active Living
- Cultural Policy
- Policy Against all Forms of Harassment for Students