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The goal of our Commitment-to-Success Plan (CtSP) 2017-2030 is to share with our communities our vision of educational success moving into the future.
The Ministry’s Policy on Educational Success calls on School Boards to mobilize all of the members of its community to ensure educational success for its students.
Collaboration is part of CQSB’s culture. There is a board-wide strategy to use the framework of Professional Learning Communities to foster collaboration among the community.
The following stakeholders collaborated with the CQSB at various stages, including formal consultations:
• Council of Commissioners
• In-school Administrators
• School Board Administrators
• Governing Boards
• Special Needs Advisory Committee
• Student Councils – Secondary
• Parents’ Committee
• Unions and Associations
• Commitment-to-Student-Success Committee
(Teachers, Professionals, Support)
• Community in general—Public Notice

Aligned with the Ministère de l’Éducation (MEQ) Strategic Plan and Policy on Educational Success, our Commitment-to-Success Plan is structured into three successive cycles.

Initially set to end in 2022, the first cycle of our CtSP was extended until 2023, as the pandemic (2020-2022) brought in its wake many unforeseen delays. Nevertheless, this first cycle proved to be a valuable tool from which stemmed this second cycle version.

In essence, this second cycle is built on the foundation of the very best elements comprised in the first cycle. In order to ensure learning at high levels for all, this second segment demonstrates:
How the CQSB will address the Minister’s Main Orientations
• Success for ALL Students as a First Priority
• Vocational Education Attractiveness
• Student Retention
Outline areas of improvement to educational success specific to CQSB in accordance with our Priorities
• Cultural Identity
• Inclusive Education
• Wellness
• Retention and Success of Indigenous Learners

Be it that the focus of the School Board is to increase student success and qualification/graduation rates which are supported by the Ministry orientations, objectives, benchmarks and targets. The intention is to address these priorities annually with corresponding action plans.
These action plans will in turn support the continual improvement of pedagogical and socio-emotional, organizational, and administrative practices; which are data driven and aligned with the MEQ’s mandate to use informed data practices in all of its School Boards and Service Centres.

The CQSB is an English-language school board ensuring the management of a network of schools scattered over a vast territory and catering to the needs of over 5,200 students, youth and adults.
On a broader scale, as the CQSB is one of nine English School Boards in the province of Québec, we are part of a vibrant learning community that opens doors to cutting edge professional development for our staff and provincial activities for our students.
Support vibrant learning communities in its schools and centres that empower all students to receive the best possible education, to foster their social development and to prepare them to achieve their fullest potential and become contributing members of our ever-changing society.
• Learning is a lifelong process;
• There is richness in diversity;
• All individuals have potential to improve and have the right to develop their potential in a safe, caring and inclusive environment;
• Students must always be placed as the priority
• Openness
• Leadership
• Cooperation in a caring and learning environment

In keeping with its mandate as outlined in Sections 207 to 209 in the Education Act, the CQSB pledges:

For us, success means more than obtaining a diploma.

Our commitment to our early childhood programs confirms our belief that educational success begins at a very early age and that it continues throughout life.
The Central Québec School Board has the distinction of being the English Board with the largest territory in the province of Québec. This brings a unique set of challenges.

Our schools are spread out over geographically isolated communities with widely varying demographics.
Ensuring an equitable educational experience for everyone is among the CQSB’s beliefs, and ensuring delivery on this conviction can be costly.
All CQSB schools are regional as opposed to “des écoles de quartier”. Consequently, a significant number of pupils travel long distances - over 100 kilometres a day - and spend two hours or more on the school bus every day to benefit from English education.