Chairman's Message - CQSB
Gouvernance - bannière
Chairman's Message
Chair of the Council of Commissioners
Chairman's Message 2024-2025

As Chairman of the Council of Commissioners, it is with great pride that I wish our students, their parents, as well as all of the members of our dedicated staff, a successful 2024-2025 school year. Rest assured that all of our schools are ready and eager to welcome your children in a safe environment conducive to learning.
To those who are new to the CQSB, allow me to inform you of our school board's motto ''Learning for All''. These three words have been, and will continue to be, the motivation behind all of our actions. The success of each and every student is what we strive to ensure through the many decisions that we make during any particular year. With the unwavering dedication of a competent and enthusiastic CQSB TEAM of teachers, professionals, principals, support staff, board administrators and, of course, the Council of Commissioners, our students have achieved, year after year, enviable results in ministerial exams. The CQSB’s high graduation and qualification rates rank us among the best school boards in the province. Our students’ results on the June ministerial exams place them among the top three (3) school boards and school service centres of the province (which includes the 60 French-language service centres)! Excellence continues to be a CQSB trademark and we will continue to ensure that our students maintain their high academic success. To the parents of our new students, allow me to say that you have made a wise decision in choosing our schools.
To those who are already members of the CQSB school communities, we say WELCOME BACK! We thank you for your constant support to your children and to our schools. With your cooperation and understanding, the hard work of our students, as well as the experience and dedication of our staff, we will continue to provide the quality educational services which have made our schools and Learning Centres among the best in Québec.
The 2024-2025 school year promises to be interesting. On September 26th, the CQSB will proceed with the official opening of its first elementary school on the South Shore of Québec. New Liverpool Elementary School, which last year remained on the premises of the former Saint Vincent Elementary School, will welcome its students in a state-of-the-art building located at 1575, chemin du Sault, in Lévis.
Regarding the new Québec City high school, planning continues according to schedule, with opening day still set for September 2027. Other projects are also in preparation and will be submitted to the ministère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur (MEES) in due time. All of our regions are on our radar and we constantly strive to provide our students, wherever they may be, with the best educational services.
On the political front, elections in the nine (9) English-language school boards will be held on Sunday, November 3rd, 2024. As you well know, the French school boards were terminated by the present Québec government in the early morning hours of February 8, 2020, with the adoption under a gag of Bill 40. The nine boards, under the leadership of the QESBA (Quebec English School Boards Association) have fought valiantly against this legislation and have won some significant legal battles against the government. Unfortunately, the intention to eliminate our school boards remains on their agenda. It follows that these upcoming elections will be crucial for our communities. Please make sure to have your name on the official electoral list. Also, make sure to VOTE on election day. Information will be found on local media as well as on the internet. Do not hesitate to consult the CQSB website to know how to become a candidate so as to ensure that your community continues to be represented at the Council Table.
As for myself, after 37 years as a school commissioner, including 15 as Chairman of the CQSB, I have decided that the time has come to step down. I have no doubt that the CQSB will continue to be a leader in education in this province. It has been a privilege and an honour to serve as Chairman of what I consider to be the best school board in Canada.
In closing, allow me to reemphasize the importance of our school boards. All of our school communities must be present and active as we approach election day. Rest assured that the government of Québec will be closely watching and we will need to prove our determination to preserve the governance of our unique school system. Let me be clear - elected school boards are the last form of political governance by and for the English-language communities of this province. In contrast, school service centres are under the direct jurisdiction of the Minister of Education!
Par ailleurs, je tiens à rassurer tous nos parents relativement à l'importance que nous accordons à l'apprentissage du français dans chacune de nos écoles. En effet, notre but est de faire de nos élèves des citoyens qui pourront s'exprimer de façon claire et précise dans chacune des deux langues officielles de notre grand pays, le Canada.
May the 2024-2025 school year be a safe, healthy and promising year for all!
Chairman of the Council of Commissioners
August 22th, 2024