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Quebec Intellectual Disability Week
The Quebec Intellectual Disability Week is celebrating its 37th anniversary from March 16 to 22, 2025. The Week is an opportunity to raise awareness of the realities faced by people with intellectual disabilities and their loved ones, through inclusive events across the province.
Source and info: https://www.sqdi.ca/

CQSB Staff Recognition Day
A big shout out to all the members of our school board. Today, is our day to celebrate how fantastic we all are!

Pink Shirt Day
The Pink Shirt Day Story – In 2007, Berwick, Nova Scotia, after a new student at their school was bullied for wearing a pink shirt, two grade 12 students bought 75 pink shirts and encouraged their classmates to wear pink. The next day they went to distribute the shirts and to their surprise the majority of students arrived wearing pink! With that act of kindness, Pink Shirt Day was born.

Hooked on School Days
Hooked on School Days
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CQSB International Student Program
Cecilia was an international student from Mexico who attended Québec High School during the 2019-2020 school year.
Studying in Québec City was an unforgettable and valuable experience for Cecilia. We hope that this short video will inspire other students to seek and embark on similar learning adventures abroad.
At CQSB, we are proud to offer a unique and bilingual educational program!
We R CQ!
The first ever conference of this kind at CQSB was held on November 10, 2018.
Hosted by Dollard-des-Ormeaux School in Shannon, with members of the student council as delegates and members of the leadership team.
A great experience for all!